Goat meat is the most widely eaten meat in the world.
Goat meat is a healthier alternative to other red meats like beef, lamb, and pork. It is naturally lean, very nutritious and has a range of health benefits. The meat has less fat, less saturated fat, more iron, and about the same amount of protein compared to beef, pork, lamb, or chicken.
Have you ever fancied trying Goat Mest Abbey Farm Cottage will soon have goat meat available from our wethers
All our goats are sustainably grown raised by their mothers until weaned even though they are part of our dairy herd producing our fabulous Rosedale Cheeses.
Please contact suzie@abbeyfarmcottagerosedale.com to book your goat.
Whole and half goat available at £14/KG £25 deposit secures your goat.